The Two Mikes

The Two Mikes
Ever wanted to talk with someone about a book you just read? You could just join a book group and talk about it, drink a little, veer off on tangents, work back around to the book again, and finally wrap it up by picking the next book.

But what happens when the book you just read is about about hungry zombies or a haunted house, and your Eat, Pray, Love–reading friends aren’t really into reading it, much less discussing its finer points? That’s what we’re here for. We Two Mikes will be your virtual book group for discussing new and interesting and old and half-forgotten horror books.

If you want to follow along with us, look at the next forbidden book on the table and start reading.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Episode 53 : Horns by Joe Hill

Join Mike and Mike as they explore the true meaning of "putting a fork in it" with Joe Hill and his second novel Horns. Listen as they leave the tree house of Paradise and lose their innocence in this horror coming-of-age mystery play in book form.

Cocktail Time!

The Devil Made Me Do It

1 shot of 151 Rum
1 splash of high-grade hot sauce
A lime chunk

Combine in a shot glass, suck on a lime, and take it down—oh yeah.

End music: Sufijan Stevens's "In The Devils Territory" from his album "Seven Swans."

Clive Barker's play History of the Devil at