The Two Mikes

The Two Mikes
Ever wanted to talk with someone about a book you just read? You could just join a book group and talk about it, drink a little, veer off on tangents, work back around to the book again, and finally wrap it up by picking the next book.

But what happens when the book you just read is about about hungry zombies or a haunted house, and your Eat, Pray, Love–reading friends aren’t really into reading it, much less discussing its finer points? That’s what we’re here for. We Two Mikes will be your virtual book group for discussing new and interesting and old and half-forgotten horror books.

If you want to follow along with us, look at the next forbidden book on the table and start reading.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Episode 6.0 - David Lindsay's Voyage to Arcturus

A rousing, rambling triad about Lindsay's seminal psychedelic novel. Mike(x2) take on Gnosticism, Mormonism, and Peter Max-ism as they make hay out of this philosophical kill-fest. The cocktail recipe comes at the end. We suggested drinking before you read the book and while listening to the podcast in a nod to state-dependent learning.

Voyage to Arcturus:

1 shot blue curaçao

1 shot Galliano
1 shot Campari
1 shot Chartreuse
1 shot Jägermeister.

Line them up in front of you. Think cosmic thoughts. Knock back each shot in quick succession and soon you will be on a voyage to Arcturus. Hang on to your third-eye tentacle.

Music: Something the Mikes did themselves.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Episode 5.0: Jack Williamson's Darker Than You Think

A quick and dirty discussion of Jack Williamson's classic werewolf novel Darker Than You Think. We unbuckle our Jung and Freud on this one (please forgive us, we're the products of our over estimation of our education). Plus, the Two Mikes make solemn pledges, just like the good boy scouts they were.


The White Wolf Daiquiri
2 parts white rum
2 parts unsweetened coconut/pineapple juice
1 tsp powdered sugar

Shake with ice and strain into martini glass. Six of these and you'll be doing terrible things to your friends too.

Music: Graveyard by Outside.