With episode 11 the guys bounce back from their lethargy and enthuse about Joseph Delaney's The Last Apprentice, his growing series of young adult horror fantasies. Sort of a more spooky and gory Harry Potter, this series is just getting rolling, so we decided to jump on board. We discuss both book 1, The Revenge of the Witch, and book 2, The Curse of the Bane, and make all sorts of wise pronouncements about the young people of today. (We may devote another 'cast to books 3 and 4 when they come out.)

Village Girls with Pointy Shoes
1 shot of Irish whiskey
2 shots tawny port
1/2 cup of Young's Chocolate Stout (cold)
Pour together in a beer glass, taking care that the stout forms a head (but not too much). We're told this is particularly tasty with a revitalizing meal of babymeat, but you can enjoy it any witch way you like.